Kairosoft Wiki

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Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load.
See MediaWiki:Wikia.js for scripts that only affect the oasis skin.

/* Table of Contents
 * (A00) Add GameNav Friend ID Icon
 * (B00) Format Friend IDs
 * (X00) importArticle pre-script actions
 * * (X01) Less
 * * (X02) LastEdited
 * * (X03) Standard_Edit_Summary
 * (Y00) importArticles

/* ==Add GameNav Friend ID Icon== (A00)*/
// Adds friend id to icon the the link in the GameNav (need to get link styling + one link click)
var tNode;
if((tNode = $("#gamenavlinks [href*='/wiki/Friend_IDs_(']")).length || (tNode = $("#gamenavlinks .selflink:contains('Friend IDs')")).length) {
    tNode.html("<img id='gamenav-friend-icon' src='https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kairosoft/images/b/bb/Friend_IDs_icon.png/revision/latest/scale-to-height-down/12?cb=20160131010508' /> "+tNode.html());

/* ==Format Friend IDs== (B00)*/
// Make sure it re-fires whenever context is re-added (such as after a page edit)
function detectFriendList(pContent){
	if(pContent.find(".friend-id-list").length) {
		// For better CSS support

	// If a friend list exists format an IDs found in list on the page (only when inside a mw-content-text to avoid firing while editing)
	$("#mw-content-text .friend-id-list li, #mw-content-text .friend-id-list ~ ul li").each(function(li){
		$(this).data("friend-checked", true);
		var html = $(this).text().trim();
		// Match list starting with a 9-12 long number, possibly formatted with various stuff
		// Don't checking for long number to avoid it detecting dates and stuff people may put after the number
		var friendIDLineData = html.match(/^(\d{0,3}[ \-'∙,.]?\d{3}[ \-'∙,.]?\d{3}[ \-'∙,.]?\d{3}) ?-? ?(.*)*/);
		if(friendIDLineData) {
			var id = friendIDLineData[1]; id = id.replace(/[ \-,.]/g, "");
			var tSep = "<span class='friend-id-sep'></span>";
			var length = id.length;
			id = id.split('');
			id.splice(length-3, 0, tSep);
			id.splice(length-6, 0, tSep);
			if(length > 9) id.splice(length-9, 0, tSep);
			id = id.join('');
			var desc = friendIDLineData[2] ? " - "+friendIDLineData[2].trim() : "";
			// Escaping isn't required since the id has to match the regex above (which is only numbers) and the description is just what was already on the page (which should already be escaped)
			$(this).html("<code class='friend-id'>"+id+"</code>"+desc);

/* ==importArticle pre-script actions== (X00)*/
// The code in this section is for a script imported below

/* ===Less=== (X01) */
window.lessOpts = window.lessOpts || [];
window.lessOpts.push( {
    // this is the page that has the compiled CSS
    target: 'MediaWiki:Common.css',
    // this is the page that lists the LESS files to compile
    source: 'MediaWiki:Custom-common.less',
    // these are the pages that you want to be able to update the target page from
    // note, you should not have more than one update button per page
    load: [
    // this is the page that contains the comment header for the target page
    // all other comments are stripped during compilation
    header: 'MediaWiki:Custom-css-header/common'
} );
window.lessOpts.push( {
    // this is the page that has the compiled CSS
    target: 'MediaWiki:Handheld.css',
    // this is the page that lists the LESS files to compile
    source: 'MediaWiki:Custom-handheld.less',
    // these are the pages that you want to be able to update the target page from
    // note, you should not have more than one update button per page
    load: [
    // this is the page that contains the comment header for the target page
    // all other comments are stripped during compilation
    header: 'MediaWiki:Custom-css-header/handheld'
} );

/* ===Standard_Edit_Summary=== (X03) */

window.dev = window.dev || {};
window.dev.editSummaries = {
	css: '#stdSummaries { ... }',
	select: 'MediaWiki:StandardEditSummary'

/* ==importArticles== (Y00)*/
// Imports scripts from other pages/wikis.

	type: 'script',
	articles: [