Kairosoft Wiki
Oh! Edo Towns gamenav iconOh! Edo Towns Guide

Structures Yield Rankings and Town Level Combos Residents Jobs Crafts
Endgame / Replay Bugs & Cheats Manual Tips / Walkthrough

Crafts can be used on residents or structures to increase their yield, price, both, or neither. Creating / upgrading a craft gives a permanent boost to your town's total yield.

New crafts can be discovered when an artisan (Resident whose current job is an artisan) visits a Wholesaler or Wholesaler(L) structure. There's a 33% chance that a new craft will be unlocked when an artisan visits the structures.

Requirements of unlocking new crafts can be a combination of several things such as structures built in the perimeter of the Wholesaler (both version) structures, the current total amount of research points, and/or the stats of the visiting artisan.

For requirements that needs structures built, the required structures must be built inside a 5x5 square area that are centered on the Wholesaler.

Only one new craft can be unlocked for each artisans' visit to the Wholesalers. The order of which craft that will be unlocked is determined by its position in the list at the below table. Crafts that are listed high in the list will get higher priority to be unlocked than crafts listed below in the list. So if Elekiter and Bokken meets the requirements to be unlocked, Elekiter will be unlocked because it's placed higher than Bokken in the list.

Icon Craft Material Lv 1
Lv Up
Notes Unlocked by
Glass chimes-oh edo towns Glass Chimes Tech-oh edo towns Tech 400 +80 720 80G Initially Available
Silver abacus-oh edo towns Silver Abacus Edu-oh edo towns Edu 500 +100 900 90G Also may add gold
to a resident's wallet
Initially Available
Bonsai trees-oh edo towns Bonsai Trees Food-oh edo towns Food 600 +120 1080 100G Also may add gold
to a resident's wallet
Initially Available
Gold case-oh edo towns Gold Case Case Shp
Apl >= 90
Skl >= 70
Gold abacus-oh edo towns Gold Abacus Large Str
Apl >= 80
Skl >= 80
Elekiter-oh edo towns Elekiter Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1200 +240 2160 180G Zoo
Apl >= 70
Skl >= 50
Bokken-oh edo towns Bokken Arms-oh edo towns Arms 250 +50 450 60G 120 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 50
Armor-oh edo towns Armor Arms-oh edo towns Arms 800 +160 1440 130G 200 Research Points
Apl >= 20
Skl >= 40
Rifle-oh edo towns Rifle Tech-oh edo towns Tech 850 +170 1530 130G 360 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 40
Pistol-oh edo towns Pistol Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1300 +260 2340 190G Weapon Shp
600 Research Points
Apl >= 40
Skl >= 60
Tanto-oh edo towns Tanto Arms-oh edo towns Arms 800 +160 1440 130G 160 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 30
Chokuto-oh edo towns Chokuto Arms-oh edo towns Arms 1600 +320 2880 230G Dojo
800 Research Points
Apl >= 60
Skl >= 60
Katana-oh edo towns Katana Samurai Hs.
1,200 Research Points
Apl >= 90
Skl >= 90
Gold chpstk-oh edo towns Gold Chpstk Food-oh edo towns Food 250 +100 450 60G 120 Research Points
Gold cup-oh edo towns Gold Cup Food-oh edo towns Food 650 +130 1170 110G 560 Research Points
Apl >= 40
Skl >= 40
Puzzle box-oh edo towns Puzzle Box Tech-oh edo towns Tech 550 +110 990 90G Merchant Cart
800 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 20
Arita bowl-oh edo towns Arita Bowl Food-oh edo towns Food 500 +100 900 90G 320 Research Points
Wajima bowl-oh edo towns Wajima Bowl Food-oh edo towns Food 600 +120 1080 100G Bucket Shp
480 Research Points
Edo glass-oh edo towns Edo Glass Food-oh edo towns Food 1200 +240 2160 180G Samurai Hs.
1,200 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 60
Nambu iron-oh edo towns Nambu Iron Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1300 +260 2340 190G 1,600 Research Points
Apl >= 20
Skl >= 60
Brocade-oh edo towns Brocade Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1500 +300 2700 210G Kimono Shp
2,000 Research Points
Skl >= 70
Silk cloth-oh edo towns Silk Cloth Arms-oh edo towns Arms 250 +50 450 60G
Silk shirt-oh edo towns Silk Shirt Ukiyoe Shp
3,600 Research Points
Apl >= 60
Skl >= 80
Oni tile-oh edo towns Oni Tile Tech-oh edo towns Tech 850 +170 1530 130G 400 Research Points
Skl >= 30
Castella-oh edo towns Castella Food-oh edo towns Food 500 +100 900 90G Dumpling Shp
800 Research Points
Conch-oh edo towns Conch Food-oh edo towns Food 1000 +200 1800 150G Sushi Shp
480 Research Points
Koto harp-oh edo towns Koto Harp Edu-oh edo towns Edu 2160 180G Ginkgo Tree
640 Research Points
Moon guitar-oh edo towns Moon Guitar Edu-oh edo towns Edu 1500 +300 2700 210G Fancy Rest.
1,200 Research Points
Skl >= 40
Ink painting-oh edo towns Ink Painting Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1800 +360 3240 250G 1,000 Research Points
Skl >= 50
Folding scrn-oh edo towns Folding Scrn Edu-oh edo towns Edu 2000 +400 3600 280G School
1,800 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 60
Japan map-oh edo towns Japan Map Arms-oh edo towns Arms 1200 +240 2160 180G Carriage Shp
2,000 Research Points
Apl >= 20
Skl >= 20
Strategy bk-oh edo towns Strategy Bk Arms-oh edo towns Arms 1200 +240 2160 180G 5-Rf Tower
240 Research Points
Apl >= 20
Skl >= 50
Anatomy bk-oh edo towns Anatomy Bk Edu-oh edo towns Edu 1800 +360 3240 250G Medicine Shp
2,640 Research Points
Apl >= 30
Skl >= 40
Law bk-oh edo towns Law Bk Edu-oh edo towns Edu 2100 +420 3780 290G Magistrate
3,080 Research Points
Animal pict-oh edo towns Animal Pict Tech-oh edo towns Tech 2800 +560 5040 380G Zoo
3,520 Research Points
Apl >= 40
Skl >= 80
Bear sculp-oh edo towns Bear Sculp Food-oh edo towns Food 1200 +240 2160 180G 200 Research Points
Drgn sculp-oh edo towns Drgn Sculp Tech-oh edo towns Tech 1500 +300 2700 210G Stables
352 Research Points
Apl >= 40
Skl >= 60
Hina doll-oh edo towns Hina Doll Tech-oh edo towns Tech 2100 +420 3780 290G Dumpling Shp
480 Research Points
Apl >= 60
Skl >= 70
Warrior doll-oh edo towns Warrior Doll Kabuki Thtr
960 Research Points
Apl >= 80
Skl >= 80
Kairo doll-oh edo towns Kairo Doll Kairo Statue
3,960 Research Points
Apl >= 90
Skl >= 90