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Pocket Stables gamenav iconPocket Stables Guide

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Pedigrees are an important part of breeding horses, as it has a lot of influence on their stats, as well as the stats of their offspring.

These are all the pedigrees in the game; you can get a new pedigree paper, but you cannot research more (this is because you can carryover pedigree papers for future games).

Pedigree Traits (Left) Traits (Right)
Northerner Strength pocket stablesStrength (+20) Temper pocket stablesTemper (+20)
Seeker Dex pocket stablesDexterity (+50) Smarts pocket stablesSmarts (+20)
Hefty Stamina pocket stablesStamina (+50) Gate pocket stablesGate (+20)
Python Strength pocket stablesStrength (+20) Stamina pocket stablesStamina (+50)
Sneaker Gate pocket stablesGate (+20) Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50)
Noblesse Smarts pocket stablesSmarts (+20) Dex pocket stablesDexterity (+50)
Bouffant Intensity pocket stablesIntensity (+50) Dex pocket stablesDexterity (+50)
Caribou Stamina pocket stablesStamina+ (+100) Gate pocket stablesGate (+20)
Sunflower Dex pocket stablesDexterity+ (+100) Temper pocket stablesTemper (+20)
Gazelle Speed pocket stablesSpeed+ (+100) Dex pocket stablesDexterity (+50)
Monocero Smarts pocket stablesSmarts+ (+40) Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50)
Chateau Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50) Intensity pocket stablesIntensity (+50)
Charger Temper pocket stablesTemper (+20) Stamina pocket stablesStamina (+50)
Lapine Gate pocket stablesGate (+20) Dex pocket stablesDexterity (+50)
DeGrasse Intensity pocket stablesIntensity (+50) Temper pocket stablesTemper (+20)
Tuft Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50) Gate pocket stablesGate (+20)
Pinetree Smarts pocket stablesSmarts (+20) Strength pocket stablesStrength (+20)
Toadstool Stamina pocket stablesStamina (+50) Strength pocket stablesStrength (+20)
Regency Temper pocket stablesTemper+ (+40) Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50)
Carrotop Gate pocket stablesGate+ (+40) Temper pocket stablesTemper (+20)
Tomahawk Strength pocket stablesStrength+ (+100) Stamina pocket stablesStamina (+50)
Leon Intensity pocket stablesIntensity+ (+100) Speed pocket stablesSpeed (+50)